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Dead has its share of quirk and cutesy, too, but the far superior ensemble cast knows how to underplay it, and apparently the writers of DLM also don't feel like they have to be writing Joan of Arcadia, Amelie, and My So-Called Life all wrapped into one package. Wonderfalls, despite a mostly promising first episode, is sinking into a quicksand of cutesy quirky-for-quirky's sake, and the last three episodes have had me gritting my teeth at the inanity of the characters and the contrived situations they keep getting into. It has superficial similarities to Dead Like Me, including the same creators, but the two series are light years apart in several ways. I'm now three episodes into Wonderfalls, and I hate to say it but I was wrong before. No, I don't understand why, but that's the way it seems to be now.
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By the way, I'll try to get around to adding many of you newcomers to the comics blogosphereiverse ASAP, but now I have to wait till I can access a PC before I can add links to my template code. It drives me absoultely stark raving insane to see how many people who write about that sort of thing, and should know better, think the principal 60s Catwoman actress was Kitt! For the love of God, Newmar was electrifying in that part for darn near the entire run of that show! Kitt only played Catwoman in the final third season, so the percentage was roughly 75-25 Newmar.but because Kitt had the nickname "Cat Woman" back in the 50s and early 60s (one reason why she got the role in the first place) in her Broadway stage and Vegas nightclub singing days, people now associate her in the part that Newmar pioneered! As that noted philosopher Chuck Brown used to say- "AAAAUGH!" Kitt was no more Adam West's Batman's Catwoman than John Astin was the Riddler.
One of them, which is Comixpedia's, links to a fun interview with the three ladies who played Catwoman in the 60s, Julie Newmar, Eartha Kitt, and Lee Meriwether. Another day, another several previously unknown-to-me comics blogs out there.